March 26, 2025
Trying to gather my photos of Iris
Along with a huge collection of notes, letters, journals, etc., I have lots of photographs and other images scattered around my office. I want to
March 25, 2025
Laugh the next time you hear a MAGAt asking for transparency
March 25, 2025
Jimmy Carter's death is not all that important, is it?
Trump is our narcissist-in-chief
March 25, 2025
Staying on the alert for for prople to blame for our problems
March 25, 2025
My father's Doughboy statue
I don’t really know why he had it because I don’t think he really served in the military. He told me that he had worked on the Manhattan Project but
March 24, 2025
Taking more screenshots to help understand this QA macro
I had to iterate the creation process several times, and I don’t remember the exact steps, but this is how it looks now and that should help when I
March 7, 2025
Design a personal dump truck
Now that I’ve sold Grizzly, my pickup truck, to the kid next door, I’ve been dreaming of another macho vehicle. I mean I swear every other American
January 8, 2025
I think Gawd speaks through AI
November 5, 2024
Election Day Canvassers - Reminders and Updates
After training, get assignment and list from Captain’s Room Get MiniVan help and answer Legal Questions at the Help Desk Zoom NC Election Day
January 7, 2024
Vocabulary lesson
Y a un tas de mots que je ne comprends pas quand je lis Proust. Je me déspère un peu en pensant que je ne parlerai jamais le français comme un vrai
January 4, 2024
Iris and I had an interesting discussion with Google Bard this morning.
Dear statistician Bard, off the top of your head, how many male babies born in the US in 1942 are still alive today? I understand your curiosity
January 4, 2024
Iris and I had an interesting discussion with Google Bard this morning.
Dear statistician Bard, off the top of your head, how many male babies born in the US in 1942 are still alive today? I understand your curiosity
December 22, 2023
Discussion on the Pomona College class of 1964 listserv
On pp 31-32 of the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision barring Trump from appearing on the ballot or being counted as a write-in (PDF), they cite a
December 4, 2023
I’m illiterate
In the late 60s and early 70s I had a small student office in the Linguistic Department at the University of Texas at Austin. That’s where I wrote
December 2, 2023
Elon Musk
A friend of mine sent me this link to an article by Albert Burneko, who tried, not entirely successfully, to mock Elon Musk. Musk may be a
November 16, 2023
I love photographing the artists at Wildacres
October 31, 2023
Eating a Mouse
In honor of the great god, Ganesh, who hates mice, I had to eat a mouse so that Ganesh would bless my brother Rich, who will be having surgery in
September 21, 2023
It Really is a Fascist Flag (at least to some Americans)
Even in elementary school, I found it strange to pledge allegiance to a flag. Being loyal to my country, fine, but a piece of cloth? I’m also old
September 19, 2023
I love the New York Times Metropolitan Diary
It was published here. It’s rare that jokes and cartoons make me laugh out loud, but this story from The Metropolitan Diary, one of my favorite
September 12, 2023
Watching The Ten Commandments in Gafsa, Tunisia, in the sixtes
Back in the 60s, the cinema in Gafsa showed The Ten Commandments. About a half dozen of my girl students recruited me to chaperone them. Afterwards,
September 7, 2023
I wanna be like these guys when I’m their age!
Wait! I am their age! (Of course the videos were made when they were younger and then really well dubbed.)
September 2, 2023
The insignificance of photography
Found at The New Yorker
September 2, 2023
I remember hearing or reading some form of this story long ago. I associated it with John C Bogle, the man who enabled Iris and me to retire in
August 19, 2023
photos from our trip to Japan
This is our first rough selection of photos from our trip to Japan. There are few comments at this point. We have been kept busy. In fact, I’m
August 1, 2023
MoveOn wants to amend the Constitution?
Ben & Jerry used their platform to encourage everyone to mark their money with a rubber stamp: This is a terrible idea! Can you just imagine what a
July 30, 2023
Google Sheet Number Formatting
Google Sheets has fairly good formatting for displaying numbers and dates. But I often use Google Sheets to create data for exporting to TSV files
July 29, 2023
Summer Brake
A friend of mine (not a native speaker of English) (not that native speakers or even spelling correctors know any better) sent out this message: «
July 29, 2023
Romantic technologies and ideologies
I’m intrigued by this article “That Deep Romantic Chasm”: Libertarianism, Neoliberalism, and the Computer Culture because it reminds me of the old
July 26, 2023
Pity the nation whose people are sheep And whose shepherds mislead them Pity the nation whose leaders are liars Whose sages are silenced And
July 15, 2023
Basho’s poem, Even in Kyoto
I believe that Haas’s translation is far from literal since the last line simply simply names the cuckoo, but it is far and away the most beautiful
June 10, 2023
War in Ukraine - an explanation
I’ve finally found the clearest and most convincing explanation of why Russia invaded Ukraine. The first step to understanding is to learn about the
May 28, 2023
Timothy Snyder’s History of Ukraine
Timothy Snyder is a Yale historian whose lectures on Eastern Europe - especially Ukraine - are not only enlightening, but actually fun. I’ve learned
May 21, 2023
Fake Email Senders
I’ve been fascinated for a long time by the creative names that people - okay, political campaigns and companies wanting to sell me something - put
May 15, 2023
More on language learning
In a discussion with my college classmates last year (2022), I wrote: Thu, Dec 29, 2022, 6:22 PM This discussion prompted me to write up my
April 29, 2023
Effect and Cause
(I wrote this in 2014. I think it’s an attempt at poetry, which explains all the repetition. Unfinished, but I like it.) When I was a little boy, I
April 17, 2023
Soros is my Co-Pilot
It’s fun making a bumper sticker of my own
March 19, 2023
Note à une chère amie
J’entends mon cerveau formant la phrase « T’es trop gentille, mon Amie! » afin de te remercier plus fortement que normalement. Mais je m’arrête en
March 8, 2023
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Schwarzenegger’s messages are almost always clear and to the point. This talk on fascism is no exception. I found this thanks to the Daily Kos
March 8, 2023
Why Purim upsets me
I first heard of Purim while serving in Gafsa, Tunisia, as a Peace Corps volunteer teaching English in a lycée (high school). Gafsa still had 13
February 11, 2023
I was a Programmer Who Swore Constantly
One of the most fundamental unanswered questions that has been bothering mankind during the Anthropocene is whether the use of swearwords in open
January 23, 2023
I perceive new things as my nerves slow down
I walked into our living room just now holding a check in my right hand to ask my wife if she had an envelope. She said she did and started walking
January 3, 2023
B&N’s new president
Ted Gioio has an interesting article on substack: What Can We Learn from Barnes & Noble’s Surprising Turnaround?. He claims that B&N is doing
December 29, 2022
Learning French with the FSI Method
In late summer of 1964 I entered Peace Corps training in Carbondale, Illinois. What I want to describe here is the greatest learning experience of
December 28, 2022
Release time Xtian education in public school
Rummaging through files that I’ve kept since childhood, I came across this certificate that I received in 6th grade of my elementary school in
December 28, 2022
The Bastard! He doesn’t exist!
I made this note years ago, probably in the 90s, and have kept it taped to my wall ever since. I’m especially tickled by the language, which both
December 28, 2022
I used to have so much fun cutting pictures and words out of magazines and newspapers
I had this up on my wall in my college dorm, I think. (I don’t see signs of tape or anything….)
December 28, 2022
Photoshop brushes drive me crazy!
I’ve always been driven crazy by the fact that Ps brushes have TWO circles. I don’t know why. It’s the inner circle that seems to paint You can see
December 28, 2022
I warn people about confusing Dropbox behavior
I got this question about a post I made on Reddit. u/areyouredditenough, I’m not sure I understand your question. The best I can think to do is to
December 1, 2022
2022-01-12 Tunisia’s spicy Harissa gets UNESCO heritage status
You can read this story in French or English While in Tunisia, I learned to cook couscous Southern Tunisian style, in other words,the best kind of
November 24, 2022
Today is Thanksgiving 2022, aka Turkey Day.
One tradition that I always observe is to use canned cranberry sauce on my turkey dinner. Cranberry sauce reminds me of my childhood because that’s
November 9, 2022
Proposed Driving Itinerary of the Cathar Region
This driving itinerary strikes me as a good place to continue our discussions. It is strongly based on this web page. This map shows most of the
October 7, 2022
How you know when your volleyball-playing days are over
September 21, 2022
Saeed Jones
Driving home from Durham last Tuesday, I turned on my radio and heard the end of a riveting poem that seemed to describe many of my feelings about
August 27, 2022
Why history moves in cycles
Hard times make strong people, strong people make good times, and good times make weak people - Xabier Ormaetxea, a dark-haired
August 11, 2022
Shopping lists
Our daughter knows how hard I’ve searched for a good checklist for tasks like shopping, etc. Today she sent me this image, found on Twitter: I
May 6, 2022
Frédéric Bruly Bouabré « L’alphabet de l’ouest africain »
MOMA, the Museum of Modern Art in NYC, has an exhibit of the work of Frédéric Bruly Bouabré, Côte d’Ivoire, 1923–2014. Born in 1923 in Zéprégühé in
April 3, 2022
American Anti-Government sentiment
Rather than writing much here, I want to refer you to this perceptive article by Ezra Klein. Klein’s two concluding paragraphs should be enough to
April 2, 2022
Proof that the Earth’s Climate is Not Changing
As everyone knows, we Republicans don’t believe facts. So I was very happy when I found this beautiful visualization of monthly global temperature
April 2, 2022
Our Poor Kitchen
We saw the water running out and immediately started mopping up the water with all our house’s towels: Washing machines drain their water
March 16, 2022
The NY Times has a Telegram channel
If you’re woke like me, you’ve probably read a lot about the Telegram messaging app. I downloaded it some time ago and then forgot about it until
March 16, 2022
Amazon loses my smile
When Amazon first introduced its Smile feature, I would start each shopping session by changing the URL from to and
March 16, 2022
History versus the UNC Press fire of 1990
If future historians are well designed and supplied with sufficient training data, including facial recognition data, they might catch the error in
February 18, 2022
J’ai pensé à ce passage du livre « La septième fonction du langage » de Laurent Binet
Pour aucune raison particulière, je me suis souvenu hier d’un scene qui ma fait rigoler: À l’université de Vincennes, pour accéder aux salles de
February 13, 2022
Sufism in Tunisia
I’ve found Christian Science Monitor stories to be paywalled at times, but I was able to read the entirety of these two stories. In Tunis, artisans
February 2, 2022
Remembering Mark Grandy
Mark Grandy I grew up on Walnut Street in Berkeley, about a block and a half up a hill from the flatlands where Live Oak Park was located.
February 1, 2022
2022-02-01 OLLI Bottleneck
Dear Howard, I’ve been thinking about how difficult it is, certainly for me, to obtain and organize resources for my OLLI courses. For people like
January 23, 2022
Comparing Gafsa and Chapel Hill
Gafsa is only about 100 miles south of Chapel Hill! Chapel Hill, NC: 35.9132,-79.055844 Gafsa, Tunisia: 34.43114,8.775656 The north-south distance
January 12, 2022
Se oriente, rapaz
En lisant À la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust, on croise un passage où le narrateur décrit le clocher de l’église de Saint-Hilaire dans
December 25, 2021
Feeling nostalgic because of a COVID test
We had to take at-home COVID tests yesterday before going to the home of some very dear friends for an Xmas Eve get-together. This first image shows
December 18, 2021
Fun misunderstandings
I like this one because it kind of makes sense. maybe…
November 21, 2021
Our Living Contradiction
The November 14, 2021 issue of the New York Times Magazine contains an article by Jake Silverstein entitled A Nation of Argument. (If you follow the
November 20, 2021
Genetic Geneology
The November 22, 2021 Issue of The New Yorker has an article entitled How Your Family Tree Could Catch a Killer by Raffi Khatchadourian. In the
November 8, 2021
In the summer between my junior and senior years in high school (I think), the father of my best friend, Mark (“Gruesome”) Grandy, found us jobs
October 21, 2021
Burying Google Fiber on Bartram Drive
This is the tool used to punch holes in the earth for the orange conduit that will hold our Google Fiber. It’s kind of like an autonomous
September 24, 2021
In a setback for Apple, the European Union seeks a common charger for all phones
Today’s New York Times reports The European Union unveiled plans on Thursday to make USB-C connectors the standard charging port for all
July 12, 2021
Thinking that we think independently
Posted by a friend on Facebook: It’s interesting that the poster calls this a “random thought” when this is all over social media and even MSM
July 12, 2021
Learning from an old brain
As my brain slows down with age, I am able for some reason to notice its actions better than before. For example, I turn right at the top of our
July 12, 2021
Don’t thump this Bible
This is a Concealed Carry Semi Hard Shell Bible Gun Case For Medium To Small Guns sold on Notice that the pistol in the photo is cocked
July 2, 2021
Hurricane Elsa
Our evil stepmother spelled her name “Else”, but this makes me feel uncomfortable anyway. Hurricane Elsa is coming our way
July 1, 2021
OSS sabotage manual from 1944
Rebecca Hill posted a Homeland Security Digital Library article on Facebook. OSS/CIA sabatoge instructions Organizations and Conferences
June 27, 2021
Home — Finding Place in Poetry
SAVE THE DATE! Sunday, July 18th, 3:00-4:00 pm Use this link to join the Zoom poetry reading, Featured Readers: Mark Smith-Soto, Iris Tillman, Fred
May 13, 2021
The Great 2021 Gasoline Shortage
– As I recall, the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers used to say Beer will get you through times of no gasoline better than gasoline will get you
May 6, 2021
A Monument to the Union Victory
A good friend of mine asks on Facebook: Why aren’t there Union victory monuments or monuments to abolitionists? This question reminded me of the
April 19, 2021
You say “Naomi”, I say “Naomi”…
From Bloomberg Business Week Facebook Sees WhatsApp As Its Future, Antitrust Suit or Not Will Cathcart, the head of WhatsApp My wife and I
April 18, 2021
By Adam Zagajewski Translated by Clare Cavanagh Found in NY Times Magazine I don’t believe we humans have any special form of self-knowledge or
April 18, 2021
Think about the reflection in a person’s eyes
I found this image on Facebook but I couldn’t find its source. The photo is interesting for several reasons. Notice the reflections in Helen
April 13, 2021
Abraham Piper, Exvangelical
Today’s NY Times had an article on Abraham Piper entitled Pastor’s Son Left Faith, Becoming an Evangelical Critic for a New Flock on TikTok. It was
April 6, 2021
The Georgia Voter Suppression Law
When I first read about Georgia’s new voting law, it sounded as if some parts of it were okay. For example, Republicans say that Sunday voting is
March 24, 2021
COVID-19 vaccines and older so-called conservatives
I can’t understand how older people can refuse to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Younger people have not lived through the amazing vaccines
March 23, 2021
Post Vaccination Haircut
Me with 14-month-long hair Plus Big Mike Equals this
March 21, 2021
My Highly Unexpected Heterosexual Pandemic Zoom Wedding
Laurie Penny The singled-out quotations are mine. We were in the middle of promising to grow old together when the sound cut out. The officiant’s
March 21, 2021
Passover and the Power of Jewish Continuity
Telling the story of the Exodus from Egypt allows Jews to share a spiritual experience across time and space by Gerson, Mark. Wall Street Journal
March 14, 2021
The Dirtiest Story in the Decameron
When I was living in Gafsa, back in 1964-66 on my first tour in Tunisia, I got a copy of Boccaccio’s Decameron. I got it because my French knowledge
March 14, 2021
Cross tattoos on faces of North African women
I remember being surprised to see women with crosses tattooed on their faces when I was in the Peace Corps in Tunisia. I came to realize that North
March 7, 2021
George Hussein Entenman
Why is my Facebook name George Hussein Entenman? In my case, I was outraged when Rush Limbaugh (may he be burning in Hell) constantly repeated
March 6, 2021
I can’t believe how funny Andy Borowitz is
borowitz-report He manages to be consistently funny. Easter Bunny New QAnon Theory Predicts Trump Will
March 5, 2021
I left a comment on PoliticsNC
I commented on a guest article on PoliticsNC: Tom, your buddy Rick Henderson is indeed a Libertarian. Libertarians are those people who talk freedom
March 4, 2021
How is it possible to steal Bitcoin?
I posted the following question to Facebook a couple of days ago: I hope this isn’t a stupid question, but how do people steal Bitcoin or other
March 3, 2021
We need another Sputnik
Quotes from Politics & Ideas: How to Step Up the Tech Fight Against China - WSJ 2021-03-03. I found the article through my public library
March 3, 2021
Still trying to understand the word “intersectionality”
The introduction to the MIT Press book Data Feminism tries to define intersectionality. The book discusses … We both strongly believe that data can
March 3, 2021
Useful Delusions by Shankar Vedantam and Bill Mesler (review)
This is inspired by a book review in the WSJ 2021-03-03 by Matthew Hutson. I found it through my public library
February 27, 2021
Inside a Battle Over Race, Class and Power at Smith College
What I gather from this NY Times article: Oumou Kanoute, a Black student at Smith College, was eating lunch in a dorm lounge when a janitor and a
February 23, 2021
Should models look at the camera?
An article appeared in the 2021-02-23 edition of our WSJ with the title, Should Models in Ads Look Directly at The Camera? Research Has an Answer: A
February 21, 2021
Ps brush doesn’t paint to edge of its outline
I make a hard, round brush with 100% flow, etc., but when I press the mouse button to use the brush, the color circle is inside the thin circle, so
February 17, 2021
President Trump wasn’t that bad
I received this from my Canadian Cousin, Harry, who got it from his “friend Marty Cutler in Toronto (who gets more letters published in the Globe
February 13, 2021
I’d been thinking recently …
…about this story. I don’t remember why I was thinking about it, but it had come up several times and I wondered if I could find the quotation
February 11, 2021
Lou-Anna Ralite
I found two photos by Lou-Anna Ralite that interest me at Fisheye Magazine. There are more on her own website. I became interested in photos of
February 9, 2021
Rescripting Facts
This article finally gave me a word to describe why it’s so hard, at least for me, to argue about politics with smart people who I disagree with:
February 9, 2021
Letter to a friend living in a different world
A friend sent me this note and attached video: I listened to the whole thing. Humphrey exclaims, “Biden says, ‘Every American gets the vaccine’”!!
February 7, 2021
I find myself defending the Super Bowl
Letter to a Brazilian Friend I understand your reluctance to watch the Super Bowl, but, much to my surprise, I find myself wanting to tell you why
February 6, 2021
Urban Tunisian Children
I wrote the following comment to Michael Kaplan’s FB photos of Gafsa children. These children are beautiful and often very sweet to deal with. On
February 5, 2021
I take a jab at “jab”
My friend Rob Anderson posted this on Facebook yesterday. This link might work better. I proudly out myself as the person who tried to help Rob by
January 31, 2021
Berbers move into Africa Here is the second paragraph for you to read more easily: In other words, the red arrow along the Tunisian coast is
January 29, 2021
FRAMES Magazine (my emphasis) Most readers have at least a passing familiarity with Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946), the early twentieth-century
January 25, 2021
CJ Suitt
source. Emphasis is mine. January 22, 2021 05:45 AM, ‘In the Aftermath’ of COVID-19 Chapel Hill Poet Laureate CJ Suitt talks about his inspiration
January 24, 2021
My motto: « Besta é tu se você não viver nesse mundo. »
besta-e-tu My motto: « Besta é tu se você não viver nesse mundo. »It comes from a songMy friends discuss the translation« Besta é
January 21, 2021
Janet Yellen
WHO’S YELLEN NOW? You can read more about this here
January 16, 2021
The directory /Users/ge/Dropbox/Apps/Blot/Posts/2021/01/16 contains the following files, among others: ./
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Blot locations test
I would say that Marked 2 doesn’t read underscores, as in *_assets* correctly. journal_entry:
January 11, 2021
The Solid Project
This article about Tim Berners-Lee in the NY Times got me to look at Solid again. I have heavily redacted it. Tim Berners-Lee wants to put people in
January 11, 2021
Mapping Posts to their Assets
I have written /Users/ge/Dropbox/markdown/, a cute little Ruby script to map a Blot post to its corresponding assets
January 10, 2021
Pauline Harmange
I learned about her from the NY Times. She has made waves because of her book Moi les hommes, je les déteste. Pauline Harmange also has a blog.
January 9, 2021
Scary what3words location
Is this creepy, or what?
January 9, 2021
Twisted brilliance: Patricia Highsmith at 100
There has always been something fundamentally difficult about Patricia Highsmith. And not difficult in
January 5, 2021
Vim Creep
This is for my geeky friends, the only kind who will understand. Your browser does not support the audio element. I found this here. I’ll long
January 4, 2021
For conservatives, a time for choosing
Excerpts, with my emphasis from this source Sedition n. incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority. Yesterday, the
December 27, 2020
Lee Smith was a Go-Go dancer
I found this in a Woolf Society PDF. A Factoid Regarding Virginia Woolf in Popular Culture: Discovering the 1960s Virginia Woolfs Rock Band Lee
December 27, 2020
How Xmas Was Tamed
The following article from today’s WSJ sounds plausible to me. (Sorry for sending such a long article, but it’s behind a paywall.) I couldn’t help
December 23, 2020
Hierchical tabs
An interesting discussion in Outliner Software… I don’t recall seeing any images here, so I’ll try to describe what I see in Bear’s “hierarchy”: I
December 21, 2020
I replied to a FB post by Becca
link Becca links to this article by Rawan Abdelbaki so I want to learn something useful from it. I didn’t. I had trouble with the parts I could
December 19, 2020
Welcome to my web site
Hello! I bet this is it. I’m guessing that blot is written by David Merfield davidmerfield Truck
December 19, 2020
The world is a couple of drinks behind
Mads Mikkelsen comes up with a surprising quotation from Humphrey Bogart Your browser does not support the audio element
November 22, 2020
GOP Slogans (not posted to FB because it isn’t quite right)
I’ve been reading analyses saying that progressive politicians did not fare as well as hoped in the 2020 election in part because of the language
November 12, 2020
2020-11-12 Progressive Dems of OC zoom meeting
These are notes that I made during a Zoom meeting. Saying that Cal Cunningham was a weak candidate seems to assume that we could have found a
November 2, 2020
Jamie Harrison’s creative email
I donated to the campaign of Jamie Harrison, hoping that he could rid us of Lindsey Graham, Senator from South Carolina. Harrison raised a record
November 1, 2020
How I accidentally voted for a Republican and spoiled my Absentee ballot
I got my Orange County, NC, absentee ballot in the mail and diligently filled all the little ovals. Then I asked my wife to witness by signing the
October 23, 2020
Rob Anderson sends photos from near Calhoon Hall, UT Austin
Where Robert E Lee statue used to be I went into Calhoon almost every weekday for almost 8 years and don’t even remember the statue. I still
October 13, 2020
2020-10-13 Bad Political Thinking
medical insurance is not the same as medical service capitalism is not one thing corporations are not small businesses capitalism’s inventiveness is
September 20, 2020
Why I’m taking Mark Hall’s OLLI class on prisons
I grew up in Berkeley, CA, in the 40s and 50s. This was the cold war, the time of air raid drills, polio, HUAC and ever-present danger in spite of
September 16, 2020
Nouns are theories; verbs are facts
When Socrates asks what is courage (n), he doesn’t answer with nouns, but with verbs (facts and actions), asking if such and such an action defines
September 12, 2020
O Nosso Senhor do Bonfim worked for me!
A miracle: O Senhor do Bonfim worked for me! Yesterday, when Ginette tied the ribbon around my wrist, my wish was to still be alive when the ribbon
September 6, 2020
The Pledge of Allegiance
I posted this comment on FB Sept 2, 2020: I went to elementary school in the early 50s. Every Monday, all the students would gather in the yard (or
August 25, 2020
EVIL GENIUSES: YABIHTR (Yet Another Book I Have To Read)
On the cover of today’s New York Times Book Review is a review of EVIL GENIUSES: The Unmaking of America: A Recent History By Kurt Andersen that has
August 20, 2020
Is Astérix racist?
From: Rebecca Hill Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 18:33:14 -0400 Message-ID
August 15, 2020
Why I try not to download attachments
Every time you run a program on a computing device (desktop computer, cellphone, etc.), it has a chance to infect it with a computer virus. This is
August 10, 2020
Why we need emojis and smilies
August 10, 2020
Sherman’s March to the Memes
Note to Walter, David and Rob I subscribe to a FB page named “General Sherman’s March to the Memes”, which is full of posts, both good and evil, but
July 23, 2020
2020-07-23 It’s hard to teach ‘simple’ subjects
Inspired by Tales from documentation: Write for your clueless users As a graduate student I taught courses in intro to linguistics and beginning
July 23, 2020
2020-07-23 Thomas Chatterton Williams
source On July 7th, Harper’s Magazine published what it called “A Letter on Justice and Open Debate,” which quickly became part of the conversation
July 4, 2020
2020-07-04 FEMA Flood Risk
status: DRAFT author: ge todays_date: 2020-07-04 title: FEMA Flood Risk file_name: — An organization called the First
May 22, 2020
2020-05-22 Sitting in the Sun
Sitting in the Sun No electronics Sure that I’ll reach a conclusion this time
May 7, 2020
2020-05-07 More words from Jim Kellogh
Eleanor walks. She walked on loop by Mystery House which is set back from street less than the normal 1941 style suburbia plan [ our modern , normal
May 6, 2020
You’re lucky if you’re not born in an English-speaking family
Because you have to learn English and will be bilingual. Unlike native English speakers
May 2, 2020
Tara Reade
Katie Halper interviews Tara Reade 4:39 1993 - sexual harrassment complaint Biden was “very handsy with a lot of people” Didn’t talk with her. It
May 2, 2020
DM from Martha Carmichael
I think it was in response to this FB post that Martha DM’d me with this: I am tired of the one-sidedness of Me too. I was, from day one. But if you
May 1, 2020
Self as Property
This month’s free book from U Chicago Press: Down and Out in the New Economy: How People Find (or Don’t Find) Work Today, by Ilana Gershon I love
April 8, 2020
2020-04-08 Siloing
2020-04-08-siloing It’s happened in at least two domains: food and communication. Food. It’s become so difficult to have people over for dinner
April 6, 2020
2020-04-06 Burke Uzzle
2020-04-06-burke-uzzle Just watched F11 and Be There on UNC-TV. It was terrific and beautiful. I recorded some notes as I watched it. Your browser
April 4, 2020
2020-04-04 Phil and Jane
2020-04-04-email-to-Jane-and-Phil George! We are in hiding too! I’ve been harboring anxiety over being at the ACC tournament and flying but today I
March 25, 2020
Why Nonvoters choose to opt out (2020-03-25)
2020-03-25-why-nonvoters-choose-to-opt-out On the Media has a fascinating interview with Eitan Hersh, associate professor of political science at
March 21, 2020
My reply to James
2020-03-21-reply-to-James-Anderson James Anderson send out an email to several of us. (2020-03-21) This does not contain James’ whole post: I have
March 5, 2020
Heather Cox Richardson on the Democratic nominating process
2020-03-05-Heather-Cox-Richardson source There is a lot of news about both the novel coronavirus and politics tonight, but I’m going to let it rest
February 23, 2020
Barry Saunders
I went to Denise Allen’s exhibit this afternoon at the Carrboro Century Center, where Ms Allen gave a wonderful talk about her life and work. In the
February 23, 2020
2020-02-2 Hate the sin, not the sinner
2020-02-23-Billionaires Wikipedia says there were 621 American billionaires in 2019. I took a quick look through the list to see if they’re all as
February 17, 2020
2020-02-17 Bernie Sanders in Durham
2020-02-17-bernie-sanders Michael Galinsky posted a video of a Sanders rally in Durham. It was reposted on FB. I was very moved and impressed by
February 13, 2020
2020-02-13 Ultra Processed Foods
2020-02-13-ultra-processed-foods Just finished a very interesting article on “Ultra processed foods”
February 7, 2020
2020-02-07 Mike Bloomberg
2020-02-07-mike-bloomberg When you see what I’m writing below, you may start yelling “Ok, Boomer!” Problem is that I’m too old to be a boomer! If
February 6, 2020
February 6, 2020
2020-02-06 Fake news at Truthdig?
I made a FB post on this article, How Corporate Media Make Pete Buttigieg Look Like He’s Winning. I’m having trouble understanding this. Could you
February 4, 2020
Imposter Syndrome
I just read this article on Imposter Syndrome and am pretty sure that it helps explain a lot of my feelings and behavior: My first new Saab, which
January 9, 2020
2020-01-09 Real Men Do Not Rent Clothes
2020-01-09-real-men-do-not-rent-clothes Jan. 8, 2020 source There’s only one problem as the growing clothing rental market inches toward offering
January 5, 2020
2020-01-05 Can You Be a Photographer with a Bad Memory?
2020-01-05-can-you-be-a-photographer-with-a-bad-memory So many photographers explain what they are doing by referencing other photographers, often
January 5, 2020
2020-01-05 Art Talk and Questions
2020-01-05-art-talk-and-questions In my Coursera course on modern art I found this: Sean Anderson, Associate Curator, Department of Architecture &
January 5, 2020
Famous Photographers in History
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce — in 1825 he created what is generally considered the worlds first photograph. So he should rank as #1 on any list because
June 5, 2017
The End of Identity Liberalism
June 5, 2017
Single-Image HDR — Ask Tim Grey
[Source]( “Permalink to Single-Image HDR — Ask Tim Grey Today’s Question: I’ve got a single image
June 4, 2017
Learn Datalog Today!
Source Learn Datalog Today is an interactive tutorial designed to teach you the Datomic dialect of Datalog. Datalog is a declarative database query
June 4, 2017
Brando Skyhorse, Snap #807 - Born Identity - Snap Judgment
Source What’s in a name? Special thanks to Brando Skyhorse. Check out Brando’s memoir, “Take this Man”, and his award winning novel, “The Madonnas
June 3, 2017
Stacey L. Kirby
Source Stacey’s Vimeo videos Running on Cargo (25,920 views) Filed under [Stacey L. Kirby][4], [performance art][5], [book art][6], [installation
June 3, 2017
The Wonderful Hippie Era Has Gone
Source We’ve had such a wonderful life - the Hippie era. It was an era of new ideas such as new religious movements, spiritual awakening and freedom
June 1, 2017
Why Knights Fought Snails in the Margins of Medieval Books
Source When thinking of a symbolic foe to battle in a medieval book, many creatures come to mind: dragons, wolves, or perhaps rabbits, but the poor
June 1, 2017
VALIDnation by Stacey L. Kirby on Vimeo
Source VALIDnation by Stacey L. Kirby from STACEY KIRBY on Vimeo. from [STACEY KIRBY][38] VALIDnation is a performative interaction by Stacey L.
June 1, 2017
Clinton’s misplaced criticism of the DNC as a cause of her defeat
Source Of all the reasons Hillary Clinton thinks she lost the 2016 election to President Trump, the least among them was the state of the Democratic
May 31, 2017
Sharpening versus Midtone Contrast — Ask Tim Grey
Source Today’s Question: I was always taught that the High Pass filter was a superior method of sharpening in Photoshop. And although I was aware
May 31, 2017
Quick and Dirty Guide to Replacing Skies in Photoshop
Source The weather. Of the many things I wish I could control, this is certainly one of them. Recently, my home of Seoul has had some of the
May 30, 2017
OS X Mavericks and OpenMeta tags
Source I have been checking Mavericks ability to handle OpenMeta tags which are essential for organizing academic reference files. I really hoped
May 30, 2017
How to Try macOS on Windows 10 With a Virtual Hackintosh
Source Windows 10 is a great operating system. Sure, it has its quirks and annoyances, but what OS doesn’t? But even if you’re beholden to Microsoft
May 29, 2017
What is modern Vim? — usevim — Medium
Source Drew Neil, the author of Practical Vim and Vimcasts is writing a new book called Modern Vim. Modern Vim is a great title and captures the
May 29, 2017
Political Strategy Notes — The Democratic Strategist
Source As we commemorate Memorial Day, Samantha Layne’s “9 Ways Republicans Could Have Helped Veterans…But Decided Not To” at
May 29, 2017
Europeana Photography
Source Today, we’re proud to launch Europeana Photography, our latest thematic collection. Photography lovers and researchers can explore more than
November 13, 2016
Adobe brackets on GitHub
Source Brackets is a modern open-source code editor for HTML, CSS and JavaScript that’s built in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. What makes Brackets
November 6, 2016
US Government Launches To Showcase Its Open Source Software
Source An anonymous reader shares a VentureBeat report:_ The White House has announced the launch of, a website that shows off U.S.
October 30, 2016
Object Spreadsheets
Source Object Spreadsheets (formerly Relational Spreadsheets) is an enhanced spreadsheet tool with support for storing and manipulating structured
October 6, 2016
TableFlip: the cure for Markdown table editing
Source I was a beta tester for TableFlip, an app for editing Markdown (MultiMarkdown) tables painlessly, and I’ve been waiting excitedly to talk
October 6, 2016
Annie Leibovitz’s Work on ‘Women’ Is Never Done
Source The intimate picture of Ms. Steinem was the first of dozens of new images of female leaders — in politics, sports, business and culture —
October 4, 2016
Proper links to images in Dropbox
(This probably doesn’t work anymore.) Dropbox will create a link to an image that looks like
October 4, 2016
Maker Faire | World Maker Faire New York 2016
Source Day 1 of World Maker Faire at New York Hall of Science in Queens, New York. October 1, 2016.
October 4, 2016
Translate Open Access Resources with Annotran — ProfHacker - Blogs
Source Here at ProfHacker, we’ve written here previously about the collaborative online annotation tool and about the Open Library of
October 4, 2016
Mesh Wi-Fi system
Source The system uses a technology called mesh Wi-Fi (something usually only seen in expensive commercial installations). Within our mesh network,
October 3, 2016
The Sensel Morph: INTERACTION, EVOLVED. by Sensel —Kickstarter
Source The Sensel Morph: INTERACTION, EVOLVED. by Sensel —Kickstarter Log In Staff Picks Popular Art 243 Comics 142 Crafts 129 Dance 24 Design
October 3, 2016
Caso Lava Jato
Source A Lava Jato e a importância da cooperação internacional para o combate ao crime foram temas de destaque em pronunciamentos de membros do
October 3, 2016
Brazil’s ‘Car Wash’ Probe: Tell Me How This Ends
Source During their first year in the spotlight, the young federal prosecutors leading the “Operation Car Wash” corruption probe seemed to handle
October 2, 2016
Inside a Democratic Campaign—Last-Minute Expenditures
Source Getting Out the Vote Campaigns Candidates often turn to last minute expenditures in get out the vote efforts as a way to make effective use
September 28, 2016
The neurology of self-awareness | Hacker News
Source From Hacker News, so it’s a mess. A very interesting and thought-provoking essay. This part in particular stuck out: Otherwise monkeys would
September 28, 2016
Source What is the self? How does the activity of neurons give rise to the sense of being a conscious human being? Even this most ancient of
September 28, 2016
Sebastião Salgado’s Advice For Young Photographers Today
Source Last weekend at Photo London I had the chance to attend a lecture with Sebastião Salgado. Leo Johnson interviewed the 71-year old
September 28, 2016
Lightroom vs. Capture One Pro
Source Posted By Scott Kelby on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 in Develop, Featured, News | Martin did a just brilliant job on this eye-opening
September 27, 2016
Some good tricks with curves
Source This cool video shows how to use a posterized gradient to make a set of tonal rectangles. Add a horizontal (O°) gradient adjustment layer
September 24, 2016
a fast and friendly git client for Mac
Source Open recent repositories quickly Tabs allow you to quickly navigate to your repositories and organize your workflow efficiently Open the
September 24, 2016
Mac OS/X Security Tips
Source Most exploits occur over the Internet, so this is a no-brainer. When you do not need to have an Internet connection going, go to the Wireless
September 24, 2016
Big data, Google and the end of free will
This article is from Hacker News, so I’ve lost most of the formatting and links to the commenters. Complete hyperbolic garbage. Data, given a big
September 24, 2016
1Password — Standalone licenses vs. new subscription service
Source —– | | |Full disclosure, I work for AgileBits, the folks that make 1Password. I hear and appreciate your collective concerns that we are
September 21, 2016
TWiP Apps 14: RAW; Getting RAW by 500px
Source With the release of iOS 10, RAW image capture comes to the latest iOS devices, while RAW editing comes to even more. Many developers are
September 21, 2016
Creating Websites With Dropbox-Powered Hosting Tools — Smashing Magazine
Source Let’s say you want to quickly sketch out your idea of a website, or just quickly whip up a small site for testing purposes. Also, neither
September 16, 2016
Would they be famous now? Or, the bar has been raised — Ming Thein
Source I recently attended two exhibitions. First was a semibiographical retrospective of Yves St Laurent at work by French photographer Pierre
September 16, 2016
Costco Hearing Aids Review 2016
Source William of Frisco, TX on Aug. 30, 2016 I am a 74 yr old 3 time buyer of hearing aids (over 10 yrs) and a retired hospital CEO. I think I
September 14, 2016
The Economist explains economics: What is the Keynesian multiplier?
Source _ _ This week “The Economist explains” is given over to economics. For each of six days until Saturday this blog will publish a short
September 14, 2016
Step-By-Step: How Walking Has Changed Over Time
Source Walking may seem like a simple everyday act. But the act of walking has evolved over time, and a new book, “Walking Histories, 1800-1914”
September 13, 2016
101 Zen Stories
Source A Cup of Tea Finding a Diamond on a Muddy Road Is That So? Obedience If You Love, Love Openly No Loving-Kindness Announcement Great Waves
March 17, 2016
Fleep: Email compatibility - YouTube
Source Skip navigation Upload Sign in Search Loading… Close Yeah, keep it Undo Close Watch QueueQueue Remove all Disconnect Loading… Watch Queue
March 16, 2016
Fleep gets an update - Business Insider
Source FleepLeft to right: Henn Ruukel, Asko Oja, Liis Peetermann, Erik Laansoo, Marko Kreen, Andres Järviste.Fleep — a messaging platform launched
March 16, 2016
Fleep, The Team Messaging App Built And Funded By Ex-Skypers, Flicks Monetization Switch
Source Fleep, the team messaging app built and backed by a number of ex-Skype engineers, is flicking the monetisation switch today. A year after
February 26, 2016
Inside Libpostal - a fast, multilingual, international street address parser trained on OpenStreetMap data · Mapzen
Source For the past year, data scientist Al Barrentine has been working with Mapzen to crack one of the hardest problems in geocoding and place
February 25, 2016
How to Use Github for Hosting Files
Source Learn how to use Github as a free file hosting service. You can upload images, PDFs, document or files of any other form into your Github
February 10, 2016
15 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do with Dropbox
Source Just when you thought Dropbox couldn’t get any better, it has. Many interesting cloud storage services have come and gone, but Dropbox is
February 1, 2016
How to Find Out the Exact Date You Created Your Gmail Account
Source Knowing the date you created your Gmail account can come in really handy if you ever have to go through Gmail’s account recovery process.
February 1, 2016
A Guide to Creating and Hosting a Personal Website on GitHub | Jonathan McGlone
Source A step-by-step beginner’s guide to creating a personal website and blog using Jekyll and hosting it for free using GitHub Pages. View Demo
January 31, 2016
Get HTTPS for free!
Source You can now get free https certificates from the non-profit certificate authority Let’s Encrypt! This is a website that will take you through
January 29, 2016
Source It’s a plain text format for writing structured documents, based on formatting conventions from email and usenet. Learn Markdown in 60
January 9, 2016
SpiderOak Encryptr
Source __ Download Solutions __ SpiderOakONE SpiderOak Groups Enterprise SpiderOak Kloak Encryptr Password Price List Features __ Zero
November 23, 2015
AdNauseam: Baffle Web Trackers by Obfuscating Your Movements Online
Source Online ad networks and search engines love it when you surf around. Everything you do—every page you load, every query you type—helps them
November 23, 2015
AdNauseam: Clicking Ads So You Don’t Have To
Source As online advertising is becoming more automatic, universal and unsanctioned, AdNauseam works to complete the cycle by automating all
November 19, 2015
Nearly Every USGS Topo Map Ever Made. For Free.
Source The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been producing detailed topographic maps for more than 125 years. Today they are nearly all digitized
November 19, 2015
Nearly Every USGS Topo Map Ever Made (2014)
Source —– | | |Went hunting for topo maps again recently, and found an interface called TopoView which is so much better than the USGS store and
November 14, 2015
Fourier visualised | Hacker News
Source | | JadeNB 28 days ago I’m only seeing an image, with no explanation, and it took me a while to realise what it was showing; so, in case
November 8, 2015
Vimwiki a great personal knowledgebase
Source Last edited Tue Aug 7 21:04:03 2012 Structure your plain text notes with vim Vimwike is awsome! Do you use vim? Then you will love
March 3, 2015
Introducing Camus
by David Zane Mairowitz and Alain Korkos Germain was Camus’ primary school teacher who got him to go to high school (p. 24). It never occurred to me
March 3, 2015
Toilet research - What kind of toilet should we use to replace the one in my bathroom?
We got tired of poorly flushing toilets and having to have plungers nearby. Our old ones that were original to the house also used way too much
March 3, 2015
Permitted modems for high-speed internet: Newegg: $134.99 Amazon: $134.99 Amazon: $124.95 This is what I bought in Jan 2013 from Amazon (Order #:
March 3, 2015
What kind of toilet should we use to replace the one in my bathroom?
We got tired of poorly flushing toilets and having to have plungers nearby. Our old ones that were original to the house also used way too much
March 3, 2015
Sears Kenmore 30’’ Slide-In Gas Range 3693
This is the stove we plan to buy. Sears Item# 02236933000 Model# 22-36933 (stainless steel with black top) We want matte grates, which do not come
March 3, 2015
I found this at the Brooklyn Museum. A good discussion about bikes that are good for roads and some off-road. They seem to agree that a suspension
March 3, 2015
Some neighbors are upset at the CH greenways master plan (June 2012)
Page 48 of the CH greenways master plan says At the same time the Town has also received numerous communications from trail users asking how trail
March 3, 2015
I couldn’t figure out how to do it online, so I did it from inside a VM with commands like this: Note: PWD is heroku Tell heroku about the ssh keys
September 2, 2013
My tumblr blog Brazil: GSM900, GSM1800, GSM1900, GSM850, 3G Argentina: GSM1900 Chile: GSM1900, GSM1900, GSM850 Uruguay: GSM1900, GSM850 USA:
September 1, 2013
I’ve tried but nothing happens at all. gitm and 2tlh can’t ping each other, but I can ssh between them. I followed advice from Apple Support, only I
August 31, 2013
Justin saw this article and recommended that I take another look at Docker. He especially recommended that I do the docker tutorial, and I did. It
August 11, 2013
Photos do bring back memories
August 11, 2013
So Many Non-Profit Organizations
For years now I’ve felt overwhelmed by the many appeals from organizations working for causes that matter to me. Appeals never seem to stop. I
August 11, 2013
Things you cannot buy in the US
Our official propaganda says that we can buy whatever we want. Also we hear something about Supply and Demand, which claims that if we do buy
August 7, 2013
Anti government blindness
My sister’s best friend in Oregon likes to send out anti-government email. She used to put the addresses in the to field until I started using reply
August 3, 2013
A Bicycle Song in French
The song Jour du Velo from the album Pataphysical Grafitti by Les Sans Culottes. Song Words verse chorus verse chorus verse chorus verse chorus
July 25, 2013
Another Silent Sam Letter
Published June 22nd Here’s the column: By Sven Sonnenberg It’s 1913, in the middle of the night, and a group of UNC workers have just brought a
July 22, 2013
using markdown to post to postachio is a blogging service that enables you to create and store blog content in Evernote while displaying it a publicly-readable website. You
July 8, 2013
global warming denial
Ed Jackem gave me a paper by John R Christy, PhD, Univ of Alabama, Huntsville. The paper was apparently prepared for some Senate committee. It can
June 26, 2013
kmap steering committee meeting June 25 2013
June 25, 2013 @ Joann Haggerty’s These notes have not been polished or vetted. Iris Tillman Hill Joann Haggerty Suzanne Lewis Brown Mary Anderson
May 27, 2013
postgreSQL link set
PostgreSQL Feature Matrix SQL Query Examples
May 5, 2013
Learning to use Jekyll!
Just use my newpost.rb script to create a new post in _posts. Then use MultiMarkdown Composer to edit the post. I finally figured out that the
May 5, 2013
Welcome to Jekyll!
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory - edit this post and re-build (or run with the -w switch) to see your changes! To add new posts,
July 17, 2011
My gravitar
I finally found where my photo has been coming from: