March 24, 2025 blot

Examining my first successful Blot macro

I had to iterate the creation process several times, and I don’t remember the exact steps, but this is how it looks now and that should help when I create the next macro.


Before this I had to create the New Blot Folder Macro macro. I think I typed in the title, selected Capture and clicked Add Choice. There may have been more. I don’t remember.



This was easy. [[blot/screenshots-of-blot-post-qa-macro-actions/_assets/Step-01-in-Macro-Manager-click-Configure.png|700]]


Just click the settings gear. Leave the other stuff alone, I think. [[blot/screenshots-of-blot-post-qa-macro-actions/_assets/Step-02-in-Configure-click-the-gear.png|700]]


I named these settings with a prompt after using it a few times. I had no idea that the title here would become a prompt for the name of the note I’m creating. [[blot/screenshots-of-blot-post-qa-macro-actions/_assets/Step-03-double-check-the-settings.png|700]] [[blot/screenshots-of-blot-post-qa-macro-actions/_assets/quickadd-macro-docs-01.png|700]]

The macro will finally ask for the VALUE

I don’t see any actual instructions or settings for this, nor do I see any way to modify the prompt, althought I think I did affect it at some point.


Paste in any images

Pasting them in the new note will create an *_assets* subfolder to hold the images and copy them there. Magic!

Finally copy the whole folder to Blot

Put it somewhere under Posts. I might also wish to add a date to the folder name.

Uh Oh! Wikilinks don’t work.

Let’s try changing the format. I’ll need to automate this later.


I changed that to:


And it works fine:

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