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Get HTTPS for free!


ERROR: Your browser is not compatible with this website (this website needs WebCryptoAPI’s crypto.subtle.digest()). Please upgrade to a modern browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE 11+).

You can now get free https certificates from the non-profit certificate authority Let’s Encrypt! This is a website that will take you through the manual steps to get your free https certificate so you can make your own website use https! This website is open source and NEVER asks for your private keys. Never trust a website that asks for your private keys!

NOTE: This website is for people who know how to generate certificate signing requests (CSRs)! If you’re not familiar with how to do this, please use the official Let’s Encrypt client that can automatically issue and install https certificates for you. This website is designed for people who know what they are doing and just want to get their free https certificate. * * *

Step 1: Account Info

Let’s Encrypt requires that you register an account email and public key before issuing a certificate. The email is so that they can contact you if needed, and the public key is so you can securely sign your requests to issue/revoke/renew your certificates. Keep your account private key secret! Anyone who has it can impersonate you when making requests to Let’s Encrypt!

Account Email:

Step 2: Certificate Signing Request

This is the certificate signing request (CSR) that you send to Let’s Encrypt in order to issue you a signed certificate. It contains the website domains you want to issue certs for and the public key of your TLS private key. Keep your TLS private key secret! Anyone who has it can man-in-the-middle your website! * * *

Step 3: Sign API Requests (waiting…)

Step 4: Verify Ownership (waiting…)

Let’s Encrypt requires you prove you own the domains you have in your CSR. You can do this by serving a specific file at a specific url under your domains. Below are the files you need to serve along with some copy-and-paste commands you can run on your website to start serving the file. Once you are serving the file on your website, click I’m now running this on…”. After that, you need to tell Let’s Encrypt to check the above files to verify ownership of your domains. This request needs to be signed with your account private key. Below are the verification requests that you will need to sign. The commands to do this are generated below so you can copy-and-paste them into your terminal. Be sure to change the account private key location so it points to your real private key.

Step 5: Install Certificate (waiting…)

Congratulations! Let’s Encrypt has issued you a certificate for your domains! Below is the signed certificate you can use on your website to

Intermediate Certificate:
-—-BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– MIIEqDCCA5CgAwIBAgIRAJgT9HUT5XULQ+dDHpceRL0wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAw PzEkMCIGA1UEChMbRGlnaXRhbCBTaWduYXR1cmUgVHJ1c3QgQ28uMRcwFQYDVQQD Ew5EU1QgUm9vdCBDQSBYMzAeFw0xNTEwMTkyMjMzMzZaFw0yMDEwMTkyMjMzMzZa MEoxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRYwFAYDVQQKEw1MZXQncyBFbmNyeXB0MSMwIQYDVQQD ExpMZXQncyBFbmNyeXB0IEF1dGhvcml0eSBYMTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAD ggEPADCCAQoCggEBAJzTDPBa5S5Ht3JdN4OzaGMw6tc1Jhkl4b2+NfFwki+3uEtB BaupnjUIWOyxKsRohwuj43Xk5vOnYnG6eYFgH9eRmp/z0HhncchpDpWRz/7mmelg PEjMfspNdxIknUcbWuu57B43ABycrHunBerOSuu9QeU2mLnL/W08lmjfIypCkAyG dGfIf6WauFJhFBM/ZemCh8vb+g5W9oaJ84U/l4avsNwa72sNlRZ9xCugZbKZBDZ1 gGusSvMbkEl4L6KWTyogJSkExnTA0DHNjzE4lRa6qDO4Q/GxH8Mwf6J5MRM9LTb4 4/zyM2q5OTHFr8SNDR1kFjOq+oQpttQLwNh9w5MCAwEAAaOCAZIwggGOMBIGA1Ud EwEB/wQIMAYBAf8CAQAwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgGGMH8GCCsGAQUFBwEBBHMwcTAy BggrBgEFBQcwAYYmaHR0cDovL2lzcmcudHJ1c3RpZC5vY3NwLmlkZW50cnVzdC5j b20wOwYIKwYBBQUHMAKGL2h0dHA6Ly9hcHBzLmlkZW50cnVzdC5jb20vcm9vdHMv ZHN0cm9vdGNheDMucDdjMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFMSnsaR7LHH62+FLkHX/xBVghYkQ MFQGA1UdIARNMEswCAYGZ4EMAQIBMD8GCysGAQQBgt8TAQEBMDAwLgYIKwYBBQUH AgEWImh0dHA6Ly9jcHMucm9vdC14MS5sZXRzZW5jcnlwdC5vcmcwPAYDVR0fBDUw MzAxoC+gLYYraHR0cDovL2NybC5pZGVudHJ1c3QuY29tL0RTVFJPT1RDQVgzQ1JM LmNybDATBgNVHR4EDDAKoQgwBoIELm1pbDAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUqEpqYwR93brm0Tm3 pkVl7/Oo7KEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBANHIIkus7+MJiZZQsY14cCoBG1hd v0J20/FyWo5ppnfjL78S2k4s2GLRJ7iD9ZDKErndvbNFGcsW+9kKK/TnY21hp4Dd ITv8S9ZYQ7oaoqs7HwhEMY9sibED4aXw09xrJZTC9zK1uIfW6t5dHQjuOWv+HHoW ZnupyxpsEUlEaFb+/SCI4KCSBdAsYxAcsHYI5xxEI4LutHp6s3OT2FuO90WfdsIk 6q78OMSdn875bNjdBYAqxUp2/LEIHfDBkLoQz0hFJmwAbYahqKaLn73PAAm1X2kj f1w8DdnkabOLGeOVcj9LQ+s67vBykx4anTjURkbqZslUEUsn2k5xeua2zUk= -—-END CERTIFICATE—– * * *

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