November 1, 2020 politics

How I accidentally voted for a Republican and spoiled my Absentee ballot

I got my Orange County, NC, absentee ballot in the mail and diligently filled all the little ovals. Then I asked my wife to witness by signing the envelope. While she was doing that, I went to the back of the house.

Suddenly I heard my wife shout, George!!! You voted for a Republican!!”

I hurried back and found that, sure enough, I had voted for a Bad Guy!

How did this happen?


Do you see it? The order, switched from bad guy - good guy to good guy - bad guy when it got to Ronnie Chatterji, who is an actual good guy, BTW!! I must have gotten into a rhythm.

I am old, but working as a Poll Greeter for the good guys during early voting, I met a 19 year-old who had a friend who had made the same mistake.

So, friends, if you haven’t voted yet, be sure to vote on Tuesday and be very careful!

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