April 8, 2020


2020-04-08 Siloing

It’s happened in at least two domains: food and communication.

Food. It’s become so difficult to have people over for dinner without restricting the meal one prepares to vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO whatever. The pickiest person calls the shots or at least influences them.


  • I don’t do Facebook
  • I’ve unsubscribed to the NY Times because I didn’t like a columnist they hired
  • I won’t use WhatsApp because Facebook owns it
  • I have a Windows computer and can’t use Facetime with you

The weakest link and all that.

Vendor lockin: Apple Computers makes it hard for people to use its devices to communicate with people who own devices from other vendors.

Lockin :I try to restrict you to using my system.

Siloing :I cut myself off

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