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KMAP steering committee meeting June 25 2013

June 25, 2013 @ Joann Haggerty’s


These notes have not been polished or vetted.


  • Iris Tillman Hill
  • Joann Haggerty
  • Suzanne Lewis Brown
  • Mary Anderson
  • Jeanne van Gemert
  • Ellen Johnson
  • George Entenman



There are people who oppose incorporation, who just want to be good samaritans. Tom Cooke opposed?

No reason not to pursue it. Could perhaps get Meadowmont’s incorporation papers - they haven’t been sent yet.

Franklin Street AP decided to go ahead w/o incorporation. Project Compassion didn’t push for it; they said to be clear. (Meadowmont people said that clarity isn’t protection enough.) PC believes that a strong, clear relationship protects you.

Need legal advice. Any lawyers in KMAP?

Jeanne Van Gammaert supports the idea.

George - why not start doing it and see if there’s push-back?

Joann - there are people who we know need help but who won’t join KMAP. That is stretching it. Perhaps we have the cart before the horse on the legal issue.

Suzanne’s story of getting a 501(c)3 ? Pretty good story.

Suzanne - can get 2nd year law students to help with the legal issues.

Suzanne - they needed to use it 3 times for protection.

Iris - liability insurance is separate from 501(c)3. Meadowmont - once people were driving others to appointments, they felt the need for insurance.

Suzanne - alternative: each person who helps others can take out personal umbrella insurance.

Jeanne - her Buddhist org does outreach, etc., so they have 501(c)3 just to be able to help others.

Suzanne - Katie Rose Guest Pryal, new neighbor in Whittaker’s old house - is a lawyer.

Jeanne - email whole neighborhood asking for a lawyer.

Iris - one more question: it might be useful to talk to Mary Fraser from the Seymour center and ask if they have lawyers who could help. Iris will be able to pursue this in the 2nd part of July.

Suzanne - when law students arrive, they’re given assignments, so we should get up with Katie Rose Guest Pryal ASAP to get on the list.

Suzanne, George, send an email to Katie Rose Guest Pryal”. George: Yes, Ma’am.”

Joann: let’s try to move forward by August.

Joann: Who’s going to make the case? We have about 20 people who have been coming to the pubs - is that enough to afford insurance, etc? Do we only help members? What’s the point of membership if you’ll be helped anyway? Perhaps we could go under Meadowmont?

Iris. Perhaps Carolina Villages could be an umbrella group, but, says Joann, they don’t seem to be getting very organized. They’re also possibly expensive.

Project Compassion

Joann changes discussion to Project Compassion. I have trouble following the issues. Care teams, coordinated via Internet. Should we get more training by PC?

Jeanne heard about PC by getting lost near their office. She knew a young woman with lung transplants, who felt that PC saved her life. PC has been around a lot.

Joann. Is it time to start advertising services?

Iris. They worked on a list of services at their pubs.

Joann. We’ll do that.

Ellen. Helping Hands could already do that. Is it used?

George. You need to talk about it regularly - at pubs, say - for people to use it. / Iris. Some of the services will probably require extensive periods of time.

Joann. Let’s generate a list of services that people might provide.

Suzanne. Each of us should go home and think about services that we would like to have if we’re sick.

Joann: Pub in July? August? Make request to KMAP list?

Ainbinder in Bot Way?

Book box

No interest.

Yard Sale

Suzanne still has a lot of stuff to get rid of.

People could bring stuff to her drive and sell it. Potluck for lunch, etc. Then have someone pick up stuff that’s left at end.

Suzanne feels that young people in neighborhood think we’re not very useful. This is a way to give us elders a meaning to them.

Need date and rain date.

Proceeds go to individuals selling.

Students - when do they come into town?

Find out pickup schedule for Salvation Army, Habitat, etc.

Find out when different students come to UNC.

Date seems to be August 4th or 11th?

Other ideas

House tour service

Art tour

Ellen - substitute an art walk for a pub? But that doesn’t let younger people go….

Adopt a grandparent

Jeanne: chalk drawings on street.

Next KMAP Steering Comm

If pub is Aug 16th, then we should meet Aug 13th at Suzanne’s?

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