January 24, 2021 besta-e-tu

My motto: « Besta é tu se você não viver nesse mundo. »

It comes from a song by the Brasilian group, « Os Novos Bahianos ».

It comes from a song

This translates as Stupid are you if you (do) not live in this world.”

besta é tu

The following translation is based on this translation, but I have modified it.

Portuguese English
Besta é tu
besta é tu
besta é tu
besta é tu
besta é tu
besta é tu
You’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one
Não viver nesse mundo, For not living in this world
se não há outro mundo. if there’s no other world.
(Por que não viver?) (Why don’t we live?)
Não viver nesse mundo. Why don’t we live in this world.
(Porque não viver?) (Why don’t we live?)
se não há outro mundo. if there’s no other world.
(Por que não viver?) (Why don’t we live?)
não viver outro mundo. not live in another world.
Besta é tu
besta é tu
besta é tu
besta é tu
besta é tu
besta é tu
You’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one
Não viver nesse mundo, For not living in this world
se não há outro mundo. When there aren’t any other worlds to live in
(Por que não viver?) (Why don’t we live?)
Não viver nesse mundo. Why don’t we live in this world.
(Porque não viver?) (Why don’t we live?)
Se não há outro mundo. Why don’t we live in this world.
(Por que não viver?) (Why don’t we live?)
Não viver outro mundo. Why don’t we live in this world.
E pra ter outro mundo, To have another world to live in
é preci-necessário viver. First, we need to live
Viver contanto em qualquer coisa. Live counting on something
Olha só, olha o sol. Hey you, look at the Sun
O Maraca domingo. The Maracanã stadium during a match
O perigo na rua. Violence on the streets
O brinquedo menino. The little boy’s toy
A morena do Rio,
pela morena eu passo o ano olhando o Rio.
The brunette woman from Rio,
I pass by looking at the brunette, I watch Rio during the whole year
Eu não posso com um simples requebro. I can’t cope with a single swing
Eu me passo, me quebro, entrego o ouro. I overpass myself, I’m broken inside, I give up on everything
Mas isso é só porque ela se derrete toda só porque eu sou baiano. But that’s just because she loves me just because I come from Bahia
Mas isso é só porque ela se derrete toda só porque eu sou baiano. But that’s just because she loves me just because I come from Bahia
Besta é tu
besta é tu
besta é tu
besta é tu
besta é tu
besta é tu
You’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one
you’re the dumb one

My friends discuss the translation

ge: What’s the best English translation of besta e tu”?

Rob Anderson: Maybe Yer a dummy.

Julio Pinto: Maybe you’re the dumb one, not me”

ge: Here’s the reason I’m asking. I think that jerk” is wrong: https://lyricstranslate.com/en/besta-%C3%A9-tu-youre-jerk.html

ge: I’m asking Rob, the only serious person here.

Heidi Perry: I think it means you’re crazy, man” but how serious am I 😁🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️

Julio Pinto: We’ll, this a well-known feature of Portuguese syntax. The inversion beats e tu” instead of tu e besta” is a topicalization meaning that there is an opposition between the addresser and the addressee. Sorry, George, Rob is serious, but the only native speaker who also studied linguistics is yours truly hehehe. Besta e tu DOES mean you’re the dumb one (not me is implicit).

ge: Julio, dear non-serious, linguist native speaker of Portuguese, as a former phonologist, I’ve never heard of topicalization, but I have looked it up on Wikipedia. I think I understand and agree with your translation (I’ve always translated besta’ as stupid’) but I have one question: what is the NON-topicalized version of that sentence? Thanks, ge

Julio Pinto: Dear G, my serious phonologist, the non-topicalized phrase only means you are a fool” or something to that effect. Maybe also stop being foolish”.

ge: I feel a difference between You’re dumb” and You’re the dumb one”. If I understand you correctly, the latter is closer to the meaning of besta e tu”. I like that. Thanks.

Julio Pinto: Precisely

David Perry: I agree with everything that has been proffered here except the idea that and I am not Is implicit. No way.

Julio Pinto: ????

David Perry: It is not required by the lyric.

ge: I disagree. I am not because I live in this world.

David Perry: Maybe you (the lyricist) aspire to that exalted state. But you can still proclaim it.

ge: I AM in that state, no proclaiming needed. Besta e tu!

Julio Pinto: You are the dumb one because you don’t live in this world. I am the smart one because I do.

David Perry: One is the dumb one if he/she/they doesn’t live in the world.

Julio Pinto: Exactly, D.

Pinto: This world

David Perry: But does not imply I do this, only that I know this.

ge: Exactly, D.

ge: Oops! I exactlied D too soon! D, you’re close, but no feijão!

ge: David has just moved us one turtle down.

Rob Anderson: Julio is quite right about the topicalization in Besta é tu,” which to my ear is either emphatic or contrastive here. So English might say, YOU’RE dumb” or It’s you that’s dumb.” Now, on to the pronoun choice tu, which is why we said ya’ or yer’–to be casual. Also dumb’ rather than stupid’–it’s besta’ not estúpido’, aside from any other differences in the words. I’m starting to like meathead’ as a rendering of besta’!

Rob Anderson: Also the song is NOT Babaca é tu” (You’re a jerk).

Julio Pinto: And Rob is right about the vernacular eh tu”, the wrong use of the 2nd person singular. Something like”you is a dickhead”

« Besta é tu se você não viver nesse mundo. »

So, after all that, how should I translate my motto? I’m leaning towards,

You're the one who's stupid, if you don't live in this world.
January 21, 2021 politics music

Janet Yellen


  Vocals and Lyrics by Dessa
  Production by Lazerbeak and Andy Thompson

  Oooo, who’s Yellen now?
  Who’s Yellen, who’s Yellen now? 

  Doves on the left
  Hawks on the right
  Crosstalk in the flock tryna fight mid-flight
  But here comes Yellen with that inside voice
  Never mind the mild manner, policies make noise 
  She’s 5-foot nothing, but hand to God
  She can pop a collar, she can rock a power bob 
  Bay Ridge represent!
  Brooklyn’s in the cabinet!
  Damn, Janet, go and get it —
  Fifth in line for president! 
  She knows the kinda stimulus it takes to pass a buck 
  I heard she called the housing crisis  
  She’s qualified as ffff —
  It only took a couple centuries
  The first female secretary of the treasury

  Don’t want no tax evasion 
  Forgers faking 
  In her treasury
  Trying for higher wages
  For the nation
  Less disparity

  Watch your step, there's busted glass
  Janet broke another ceiling 
  You can bet your brass
  That the Lego guy is leaving 
  Last check to cash
  — 'Scuse me, Janet has a briefing and a flight to catch
  And Janet
  She’s the first that’s led 
  The Council of Economic Advisers, Tresh and the Fed, 
  She needs a three-sided coin that always comes up heads
  To put the triple crown down when she goes to bed
  Call the decorators
  New boss in the office
  Spenders and the savers
  Watch the confirmation process
  We got to meet her
  Now let’s let her settle in  
  And lift up your mojitos —
  'Cause she manages the mint

You can read more about this here.

January 16, 2021


The directory /Users/ge/Dropbox/Apps/Blot/Posts/2021/01/16 contains the following files, among others:

  • ./marked-image-server.md
  • ./_assets/obelix.png
  • ./images/obelix.png

Let’s try seeing the images with Blot, nvUltra and Marked 2


Blot has no problem

You can see for yourself at https://entenman.net/marked-image-server-md that blot serves both images.

The problem is that Blot creates another entry on the home page linking to https://entenman.net/obelix, which is images/obelix.png. So I do not want to use images/obelix.png.

I want to use *_assets/obelix.png* instead.


nvUltra can see both image files

The problem is with Marked 2

It seems unable to see images in the *_assets* subdirectory.

nvUltra cannot see image files in the _assets subdirectory

The markdown

| _assets/obelix.png |
| :---------: |
| ![assets/obelix.png](_assets/obelix.png) |

| images/obelix.png |
| :---------: |
| ![images/obelix.png](images/obelix.png) |

<– :1,.-3s;[_;[;c –>

January 16, 2021 obelix
January 16, 2021 blot

Blot locations test

1. Serving with Marked 2 from journal_entry

I would say that Marked 2 doesn’t read underscores, as in *_assets* correctly.

journal_entry: /Users/ge/Dropbox/arts-and-science/journal/2021/2021-01-16-blot-file-location-test.md

images/obelix.png works


_assets/obelix.png does not work


_assets/images/obelix.png does not work


2. Serving with Blot.im from post_file_to_be_created

images/obelix.png works


_assets/2021/01/16/images/obelix.png (works)


_assets/images/obelix.png (works)


_assets/images/obelix.png (works)


_assets/obelix.png (works)



location of asset location of obelix.png served by
marked 2 blot.im both
journal_entry images/obelix.png
journal_entry _assets/images/obelix.png
journal_entry _assets/obelix.png
post_directory images/obelix.png
post_directory _assets/2021/01/16/images/obelix.png
post_directory _assets/images/obelix.png
post_directory _assets/obelix.png

As you can see, image files will be served from ./images/ directory by both Marked 2 and Blot.im.

The problem is that files in the ./images/ directory will be found and served by Blot.im, something that I don’t want to happen.

The problem with the *./_assets* directory is that Marked 2 messes with the underscore and can’t seem to find it. Backslash escapes don’t seem to help.

I conclude therefore that when moving posts from the journal to blot-im, I have to do two things:

  1. Move ./images/, ./jpg/, .pdf, etc. to the *_assets* folder in the post_directory
  2. Modify references to these assets in the Markdown files.

Task #1 is relatively easy. Task #2 is relatively difficult.

January 11, 2021 privacy security

The Solid Project

This article about Tim Berners-Lee in the NY Times got me to look at Solid again.

I have heavily redacted it.

He Created the Web. Now He’s Out to Remake the Digital World.

Solid and Inrupt

Tim Berners-Lee wants to put people in control of their personal data. He has technology and a start-up pursuing that goal. Can he succeed?

Tim Berners-Lee, at home in Oxfordshire, England, envisions a framework in which personal online data could be stored in a “pod” that the person controlled.

Three decades ago, Tim Berners-Lee devised simple yet powerful standards for locating, linking and presenting multimedia documents online. He set them free into the world, unleashing the World Wide Web.

Pods,”: The idea is that each person could control his or her own data — websites visited, credit card purchases, workout routines, music streamed — in an individual data safe, typically a sliver of server space.

Companies could gain access to a person’s data, with permission, through a secure link for a specific task like processing a loan application or delivering a personalized ad. They could link to and use personal information selectively, but not store it.

He began an open-source software project, Solid, and later founded a company, Inrupt, with John Bruce, a veteran of five previous start-ups, to kick-start adoption.

Inrupt introduced in November its server software for enterprises and government agencies. And the start-up is getting a handful of pilot projects underway in earnest this year, including ones with Britain’s National Health Service and with the government of Flanders, the Dutch-speaking region of Belgium.

Inrupt’s initial business model is to charge licensing fees for its commercial software, which uses the Solid open-source technology but has enhanced security, management and developer tools. The Boston-based company has raised about $20 million in venture funding.

The world’s first web page as it appeared in 1992, a year after it was created. Mr. Berners-Lee is trying to pull the online world back toward its egalitarian roots. 

Inrupt is betting that trusted organizations will initially be the sponsors of pods. The pods are free for users. If the concept takes off, low-cost or free personal data services — similar to today’s email services — could emerge.

Example project

The National Health Service has been working with Inrupt on a pilot project for the care of dementia patients that moves from development into the field this month. The early goal is to give caregivers access to a broader view of patients’ health, needs and preferences.

Each patient has a Solid pod with an All About Me” form with information submitted by the patient or an authorized relative, supplementing the person’s electronic health record. The pod might list that the patient needs help for daily tasks like getting out of bed, tying shoelaces or going to the bathroom. It might also include what soothes the patient when agitated — perhaps country music or classic old movies. Later, activity data from an Apple Watch or Fitbit could be added.

The medical goal, said Scott Watson, technical director on the pilot project, is improved health and better care that are less stressful for the patient. And it’s a fundamental change in how we share information in health care systems,” he said.

The initial project will begin with up to 50 patients in the Manchester region and be evaluated in a few months.

In Flanders, a region of more than six million people, the government hopes the new data technology can nurture opportunities for local entrepreneurs and companies and new services for citizens. Personal data in pods can be linked with public and private data to create new applications, said Raf Buyle, an information architect for the Flanders government.

Most of the cool use cases will come from companies building new apps on top of the data,” Mr. Buyle said.

Mr. Berners-Lee

As a young engineer at CERN outside Geneva, Mr. Berners-Lee developed the protocols for what would become the web as we know it.

For Mr. Berners-Lee, the Solid-Inrupt venture is a fix-it project. He has spent his career championing information sharing, openness and personal empowerment online — as director of the World Wide Web Consortium, president of the Open Data Institute, and an academic at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Oxford University. His accolades include a Turing Award, often called the Nobel Prize of computer science. In his native England, he is a knight — Sir Tim.

But Tim has become increasingly concerned as power in the digital world is weighted against the individual,” said Daniel Weitzner, a principal research scientist at the M.I.T. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. That shift is what Solid and Inrupt are meant to correct.”


The push to give individuals greater control over their data, Mr. Berners-Lee said, often begins as a privacy issue. But a new deal on data, he said, will require entrepreneurs, engineers and investors to see opportunities for new products and services, just as they did with the web.

The long view is a thriving decentralized marketplace, fueled by personal empowerment and collaboration, Mr. Berners-Lee said. The end vision is very powerful,” he said.

Whether his team can realize that vision is uncertain. Some in the field of personal data say the Solid-Inrupt technology is too academic for mainstream developers. They also question whether the technology will achieve the speed and power needed to become a platform for future apps, like software assistants animated by a person’s data.

No one will argue with the direction,” said Liam Broza, a founder of LifeScope, an open-source data project. He’s on the right side of history. But is what he’s doing really going to work?”

Others say the Solid-Inrupt technology is only part of the answer. There is lots of work outside Tim Berners-Lee’s project that will be vital to the vision,” said Kaliya Young, co-chair of the Internet Identity Workshop, whose members focus on digital identity.

Mr. Berners-Lee said that his team was not inventing its own identity system, and that anything that worked could plug into its technology.

Inrupt faces a series of technical challenges, but none that are go-to-the-moon hard,” said Bruce Schneier, a well-known computer security and privacy expert, who has joined Inrupt as its chief of security architecture.

And Mr. Schneier is an optimist. This technology could unlock an enormous amount of innovation,” potentially becoming a new platform as the iPhone was for smartphone apps, he said.

I think this stands a good chance of changing how the internet works,” he said. Oddly, Tim has done it before.”

My Pods and MyID

solidweb.org - a German company

Solidproject.org FAQ
My Pod at solidweb.org
My WebID at solidweb.org

inrupt.net - a Berners-Lee company

My Pod at inrupt.net
My WebID at inrupt.net
My Public Homepage

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