Entries tagged "politics"
March 25, 2025
Laugh the next time you hear a MAGAt asking for transparency
March 25, 2025
Jimmy Carter's death is not all that important, is it?
Trump is our narcissist-in-chief
March 25, 2025
Staying on the alert for for prople to blame for our problems
November 21, 2021
Our Living Contradiction
The November 14, 2021 issue of the New York Times Magazine contains an article by Jake Silverstein entitled A Nation of Argument. (If you follow the
April 6, 2021
The Georgia Voter Suppression Law
When I first read about Georgia’s new voting law, it sounded as if some parts of it were okay. For example, Republicans say that Sunday voting is
March 24, 2021
COVID-19 vaccines and older so-called conservatives
I can’t understand how older people can refuse to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Younger people have not lived through the amazing vaccines
March 5, 2021
I left a comment on PoliticsNC
I commented on a guest article on PoliticsNC: Tom, your buddy Rick Henderson is indeed a Libertarian. Libertarians are those people who talk freedom
March 3, 2021
We need another Sputnik
Quotes from Politics & Ideas: How to Step Up the Tech Fight Against China - WSJ 2021-03-03. I found the article through my public library
February 27, 2021
Inside a Battle Over Race, Class and Power at Smith College
What I gather from this NY Times article: Oumou Kanoute, a Black student at Smith College, was eating lunch in a dorm lounge when a janitor and a
February 17, 2021
President Trump wasn’t that bad
I received this from my Canadian Cousin, Harry, who got it from his “friend Marty Cutler in Toronto (who gets more letters published in the Globe
February 9, 2021
Rescripting Facts
This article finally gave me a word to describe why it’s so hard, at least for me, to argue about politics with smart people who I disagree with:
February 9, 2021
Letter to a friend living in a different world
A friend sent me this note and attached video: I listened to the whole thing. Humphrey exclaims, “Biden says, ‘Every American gets the vaccine’”!!
January 21, 2021
Janet Yellen
WHO’S YELLEN NOW? You can read more about this here
January 10, 2021
Pauline Harmange
I learned about her from the NY Times. She has made waves because of her book Moi les hommes, je les déteste. Pauline Harmange also has a blog.
January 4, 2021
For conservatives, a time for choosing
Excerpts, with my emphasis from this source Sedition n. incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority. Yesterday, the
November 1, 2020
How I accidentally voted for a Republican and spoiled my Absentee ballot
I got my Orange County, NC, absentee ballot in the mail and diligently filled all the little ovals. Then I asked my wife to witness by signing the
February 23, 2020
Barry Saunders
I went to Denise Allen’s exhibit this afternoon at the Carrboro Century Center, where Ms Allen gave a wonderful talk about her life and work. In the
June 5, 2017
The End of Identity Liberalism
June 1, 2017
Clinton’s misplaced criticism of the DNC as a cause of her defeat
Source Of all the reasons Hillary Clinton thinks she lost the 2016 election to President Trump, the least among them was the state of the Democratic
May 29, 2017
Political Strategy Notes — The Democratic Strategist
Source As we commemorate Memorial Day, Samantha Layne’s “9 Ways Republicans Could Have Helped Veterans…But Decided Not To” at reverbpress.com
October 3, 2016
Caso Lava Jato
Source A Lava Jato e a importância da cooperação internacional para o combate ao crime foram temas de destaque em pronunciamentos de membros do
October 3, 2016
Brazil’s ‘Car Wash’ Probe: Tell Me How This Ends
Source During their first year in the spotlight, the young federal prosecutors leading the “Operation Car Wash” corruption probe seemed to handle
October 2, 2016
Inside a Democratic Campaign—Last-Minute Expenditures
Source Getting Out the Vote Campaigns Candidates often turn to last minute expenditures in get out the vote efforts as a way to make effective use
August 7, 2013
Anti government blindness
My sister’s best friend in Oregon likes to send out anti-government email. She used to put the addresses in the to field until I started using reply
July 25, 2013
Another Silent Sam Letter
Published June 22nd Here’s the column: By Sven Sonnenberg It’s 1913, in the middle of the night, and a group of UNC workers have just brought a
July 8, 2013
global warming denial
Ed Jackem gave me a paper by John R Christy, PhD, Univ of Alabama, Huntsville. The paper was apparently prepared for some Senate committee. It can