March 26, 2025 photography iris ith family blot

=this.cdate =this.title

Along with a huge collection of notes, letters, journals, etc., I have lots of photographs and other images scattered around my office. I want to start gathering and organizing them.

This is where I’ll start putting photos of Iris.

Here’s a good place to start:

March 25, 2025 transparency MAGAts republicans politics

Laugh the next time you hear a MAGAt demanding transparency

March 25, 2025 politics trump MAGAts empathy jimmy-carter

Jimmy Carter’s death is not all that important, is it?

Trump is our narcissist-in-chief.

March 25, 2025 politics victims

Staying on the alert for people to blame for our problems

March 25, 2025 family cecil-entenman memories

I have this Doughboy statue of my father’s.

I don’t really know why he had it because I don’t think he really served in the military.

He told me that he had worked on the Manhattan Project but not developing atomic weapons. His work was on the biological effects of radiation. We often had radioactive samples in heavy little lead containers in his basement lab, but I think they were usually isotopes used to trace chemicals through the bodies of rats, dogs, etc.

March 24, 2025 blot

Examining my first successful Blot macro

I had to iterate the creation process several times, and I don’t remember the exact steps, but this is how it looks now and that should help when I create the next macro.


Before this I had to create the New Blot Folder Macro macro. I think I typed in the title, selected Capture and clicked Add Choice. There may have been more. I don’t remember.



This was easy. [[blot/screenshots-of-blot-post-qa-macro-actions/_assets/Step-01-in-Macro-Manager-click-Configure.png|700]]


Just click the settings gear. Leave the other stuff alone, I think. [[blot/screenshots-of-blot-post-qa-macro-actions/_assets/Step-02-in-Configure-click-the-gear.png|700]]


I named these settings with a prompt after using it a few times. I had no idea that the title here would become a prompt for the name of the note I’m creating. [[blot/screenshots-of-blot-post-qa-macro-actions/_assets/Step-03-double-check-the-settings.png|700]] [[blot/screenshots-of-blot-post-qa-macro-actions/_assets/quickadd-macro-docs-01.png|700]]

The macro will finally ask for the VALUE

I don’t see any actual instructions or settings for this, nor do I see any way to modify the prompt, althought I think I did affect it at some point.


Paste in any images

Pasting them in the new note will create an *_assets* subfolder to hold the images and copy them there. Magic!

Finally copy the whole folder to Blot

Put it somewhere under Posts. I might also wish to add a date to the folder name.

Uh Oh! Wikilinks don’t work.

Let’s try changing the format. I’ll need to automate this later.


I changed that to:


And it works fine:

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